John Gray says about Ellen:
“Make sure you’re getting the inspiration that Ellen provides. We have to be inspired, and we have to be reminded again and again. With the stresses of life, that automatic feeling of romance goes away, and sometimes we just have to say, ‘This is good for my health, it’s good for my relationship…” Having regular sex ultimately is proven to be the most effective anti-aging treatment there is.”
What Relationship Experts Say About Ellen’s “4 Keys to Sexual Ecstasy” system:
“We’re aware of just about every relationship and sexuality program on the market. And Ellen’s program ["4 Keys to Sexual Ecstasy"] is by far the best we’ve ever seen or experienced. No Kidding. We’ve done a lot of research; hers is the best.”
“4 Keys to Sexual Ecstasy is possibly the most unique, and potentially most transformative, Valentine’s gift I have ever encountered.”
About Ellen’s “Love Unbound” Music for Better Sex:
From a Medical Doctor:
“Since menopause I have experienced a diminished libido with less interest in sex. It has caused me to hold back a little sexually, like many of us probably do. When my partner and I first made love listening to the music on CD 4, it seemed like new places opened up within me, and I felt, ‘I can go there.’ The next time my boyfriend played the music, I noticed it helps me get out of my head and into my body. It actually intensifies my sensory perception, and I enjoy sex more. What you’re doing for people with this program is so important!”
From a Research Psychologist:
“I recently listened to CD 4, ‘Love Unbound’ of 4 Keys to Sexual Ecstasy, and had a most moving experience. I found myself being lead and opening to the most amazing experiences of peace and tranquility and at the same time sexual energy and intimate sensitivity…
I felt a great boost in creativity and intuition, which would assist most creative events from sexual to art. As a research psychologist I can say that it is nothing like I have felt before from any CD! It truly promotes an experience of non-ordinary deep listening and ecstatic being.”